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Attention | a variety of commodities are prohibited from import and export! A list of recent national trade bans and restrictions


Since July, Thailand, Japan, Russia and other countries have issued trade bans or adjusted trade restrictions. Relevant enterprises are requested to pay close attention to policy trends, effectively avoid risks and reduce economic losses. Jumper Connectors, Screwless Terminal Blocks and Reflector Electroform should be noted.



Import of plastic waste will be prohibited from January 1, 2025

The Thai government has decided to ban the import of plastic waste from January 1,2025. Thailand's Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment said it is optimistic about the goal of recycling all plastic waste by 2027. To encourage plastic waste recycling, the department is working with the private sector to speed up the production of recyclable plastic products instead of disposable plastic bags.



Five new semiconductor-related specific goods and technologies were added under export control

Recently, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan officially announced the revision order of the Export Trade Management Order and the Foreign Exchange Order issued last year, adding five new semiconductor-related specific goods and technologies to the export control, which will be formally implemented on September 8 this year.

Import of products containing perfluorooctanoic acid and its compounds is prohibited

On July 10, the Japanese government issued Cabinet Order No.244, amending the Assessment and Manufacturing of Chemical substances  Supervision Act, formally including the isomers of perfluorootenic acid and its salts and related compounds into the management of the first category of specific chemical substances. From 10 January 2025, the manufacture, import and use of perfluorootanic acid and its compounds and the import of products containing these substances shall be prohibited unless special authorization or permission.



 Prohibit foreign investment in some newly issued bonds Foreign investors will no longer be free to buy new 14-year and 30-year Indian government bonds, according to the RBI announcement.

The RBI said on its website on July 29 that the adjustment took effect immediately but did not explain why and that existing bonds in the fully accessible path (FAR) category would not be affected by the directive.

Under the Indian government's rules to protect their financial markets from hot money, non-residents will only be allowed to hold a part of the new bonds issued.